Donate ALGO
You can help keep the Aaron's Kit community alive by rewarding contributors for their hard work.
ALGO distributed to date
ALGO in current donation pot
Accounts contributing
Current pot will distribute in:
*Distribution will only take place IF ALGO in current donation pot is > 1.
You can donate ALGO (a cryptocurrency native to the Algorand blockchain) to our smart contract which periodically distributes a pot of donations to all the Aaron’s Kit users who have contributed research papers.
Your donation will reward Aaron’s Kit users for the time and effort they spend contributing research papers. The contribution of research papers fuels the Open Access Movement, and keeps the Aaron’s Kit community alive.
You can donate by simply sending ALGO to the address of our
smart contract.
You may use the listed smart contract address or QR code shown in
the donation section below.
Making a donation: Smart contract information
To make an ALGO donation you can use our smart contract address:
Or simply scan the below QR code with your Algorand wallet (e.g. Pera Wallet):
You can also view our smart contract on the explorer here.
*Our smart contract is currently not audited.
Learn more: the donation process
You are a donor if you want to donate ALGO.
- We recommend using the Pera Wallet to create an Algorand account.
- To get ALGO to donate, we recommend researching the best practices of purchasing cryptocurrency that comply with your local jurisdiction. As a starting point, we recommend taking a look at Binance as they are well supported in many countries.
- You donate by simply sending ALGO to the address of our smart contract. You may use the listed address or QR code.
You are a contributor if you want to scrape papers and receive ALGO donations.
- You must have an Algorand Address to receive donations.
- You will be prompted to create or provide an Algorand address when you contribute research papers.
- To access your funds link your account to a wallet. We recommend using the Pera Wallet.
You are rewarded as follows:
donation received = (number of papers you scraped / total number of papers scraped by everyone) * (balance of smart contract - minimum balance requirement*)